Dr. Wendy Zhou is a knowledgeable naturopathic doctor that specializes in assessing one’s current wellbeing and preventing chronic diseases development through various techniques such as diet coaching, bloodwork analysis, supplement interventions, nutritional balance, and stress management. She is uniquely trained in chronic disease prevention due to her background in cancer research and in anti-aging. With her ability to provide higher dose nutritional therapies, intravenous (IV) vitamin infusions, and intramuscular (IM) vitamin injections, Dr. Wendy Zhou ND, is able to make remarkable differences in one’s health.
Graduated from McMaster University’s Health Sciences Program, Dr. Wendy Zhou is a blend of evidence-based medicine and patient-centered care. Her fascination in her research regarding cancer care later evolved into a cancer-care focused clinical internship at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). Later on, she expanded her research knowledge into nutritional balance and chronic disease preventions such as digestive health, hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune prevention, MS/Alzheimer’s preventions, and chronic pain.
Dr. Wendy Zhou is repeatedly invited as a part of the committee that evaluates quality Naturopathic Doctor (ND) candidates for intravenous (IV) therapy for the College of Naturopath of Ontario (CONO). She is also a part of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND), the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), and the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OncANP)